Happy Women’s Day? Really?

The medical world needs to do better in Womens’ health research

Dr. Shruti


Three of the most frustrating words in medical textbooks I’ve come across are:

  • autoimmune
  • idiopathic
  • theory

Consider “Endometriosis,”

Not even Unsplash is aware of endometriosis. Rather there’s a lot about other commonly known diseases.
The screenshot was taken by the author. Not even Unsplash is aware :(

There’s no proper explanation why the endometrial tissue goes berserk and finds shelter in places like the nose and lungs! It almost feels like malignancy, only more controllable. To enlighten you, women suffering from Endometriosis can have cyclical nasal bleeds!

The pathogenesis is filled with ‘theories’.

There are a bunch of hypotheses but hardly any money spent to confirm them. No rigorous research like the Framingham Heart study when 1 in 10 females suffer from it!

We’ve always brushed aside a woman’s pain.

This hit hard when I was diagnosed at Stage 4. I was guilty of delaying my diagnosis because I didn’t give value to my pain.

Neither as a doctor nor as a woman.

